Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hello Laughter Lovers--

Long time no blog! It's not a coincidence that my website went up right around the time of my last post. Plus I started posting my Laughter Club events on I've realized my blog wasn't so much a blog as aan announcement. Been mulling over the possiblity of a "real" blog for awhile. And here I am, dipping my toe in the water!

First, I wanted you to know the Oakland Lifefire Laughter Club is still alive and well.We meet the 1st Tuesdays and 3rd Mondays of the month. We'll be celebrating our 4th anniversary in early 2011!

When I was young, I got the message that if I wasn't great at something right away, there was something wrong with me. I felt I should just give up.

As an adult, I've been slowly learning to hang in there. To allow myself to "fail" some of the time. To learn from what I do, and not give up so quickly. Laughter and improvisation have helped me bring a lighter quality to my mistakes. Sometimes I'm even able to create something interesting from them! I'm noticing that the longer and more that I lead, the more ease I feel. It just gets better--and more fun.

Do you see somewhere this shows up in your life? When have you been able to hang in through the discomfort of making mistakes, learning from them and not giving up?

I'd love to know what your experience has been.

Warmly, Annie